I’m sometimes asked if sample paint pots are worth the bother…? My answer is always a hard yes!!
why do we need sample paint pots?
We can never be 💯 certain how paint colours react to the unique light of our rooms or spaces. Properly testing paint colours lets us know not only how the shade looks, but also how it feels. For example, south facing rooms enjoy strong clear natural light so all colours work well. However, north facing rooms have a cooler natural light (& generally less of it), so can sometimes feel a bit dark and cold.
Also, artificial light puts a totally different spin on colours altogether so its always worth testing how your sample paints look at nighttime with the lights on.
my number one tip for testing paint colours
Paint a piece of wall lining paper (you can pick these up at Brewers or any hardware shop) with a couple of coats of your chosen paint colour and then hang to an area of your wall with masking tape. DO NOT test your paint samples directly onto freshly plastered walls (your decorator will thank me for this!!)
move them around!
Paint colour changes at different times of the day during the natural light cycle. Therefore, another benefit is that these painted sheets can easily be moved around your room at different times of the day & night. That way you can observe how your colours react to the light & space. It should also be tested in artificial light.
You may find your favourite shade looks totally different in morning or artificial light, so this process really allows you to make an informed choice before finalising your paint selection.
Hope that’s useful!
Would you like help choosing a paint colour scheme for your room? We offer online room design services – get in touch here to see how we can help!